As women enter midlife, the body begins to change in ways many of us weren’t prepared for. Insulin sensitivity increases, stress reactions become more pronounced, and body image issues may resurface just when we thought we had them under control. In a recent episode of Getting Curious with Dr. Cristie, health and wellness expert Elizabeth Sherman sheds light on how women can navigate these midlife challenges and emerge healthier and more connected with their bodies.

Understanding Insulin Sensitivity and Stress in Midlife

One of the key topics Elizabeth and I discussed was how midlife can alter our body’s response to insulin and stress. Many women, including myself, experience symptoms like low energy, brain fog, weight gain, and joint pain due to these changes. Elizabeth emphasizes that it’s not just about weight loss—it’s about focusing on our overall well-being through practical strategies.

“Women’s bodies in midlife are more sensitive to insulin and stress—understanding this is key to feeling better,” Elizabeth shared. Her approach helps us shift our focus from the scale to a broader view of health, which has been eye-opening for me.

Self-Care: Essential, Not High Maintenance

Throughout our conversation, Elizabeth challenged the notion that self-care is synonymous with being high maintenance. Instead, she framed it as an essential part of maintaining health during midlife. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and effective stress management are crucial components of a balanced life.

“Taking care of yourself in midlife isn’t about being high maintenance; it’s about being smart,” Elizabeth said. This perspective has helped me rethink my approach to self-care, focusing more on what feels good rather than what looks good.

Navigating Food, Exercise, and Body Image

Elizabeth and I also explored the complex relationship between body image, food, and exercise. Many of us face societal pressure to maintain a certain appearance, even as societal norms shift toward body acceptance. This pressure can lead to confusion and disordered relationships with food and exercise.

“Midlife is about reconnecting with your body, not punishing it,” Elizabeth explained. Her insights have encouraged me to focus on feeling good rather than striving for an ideal appearance, which has been liberating.

Building Trust and Sustainable Habits

A major theme in our discussion was trust—trusting the process, our bodies, and ourselves. Elizabeth highlighted that results, whether related to weight or overall health, take time. Her approach involves building sustainable habits rather than chasing quick fixes.

“You have to trust the process of self-care and stop focusing on the number on the scale,” Elizabeth advised. This advice has been instrumental in helping me and my clients build habits that prioritize health and well-being.

Embracing Menopause as an Opportunity

Elizabeth’s perspective on menopause was particularly inspiring. Rather than viewing it as a decline, she suggested that menopause can be a powerful time for self-discovery and empowerment. It’s an opportunity to fall in love with our bodies and prioritize our own needs.

“Turning 50 is a gift—it’s the opportunity to fall in love with your body again,” Elizabeth said. This viewpoint has reshaped how I approach this stage of life, embracing it as a time of growth and renewal.

Practical Tips for Midlife Wellness

Based on our conversation, here are some practical tips for thriving during midlife:

  • Focus on Nutrition: Eat balanced meals with plenty of vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats to support insulin sensitivity and energy levels.
  • Move Daily: Incorporate regular physical activity to enhance how you feel and function.
  • Manage Stress: Use stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Establish a sleep routine and create an environment conducive to restful sleep.
  • Trust Your Body: Listen to your body’s signals and respond with kindness and care.

Conclusion: Embracing Midlife as a Time for Growth

My conversation with Elizabeth Sherman was a powerful reminder that midlife doesn’t have to be a time of struggle. With the right mindset and habits, it can be a period of profound growth and self-discovery. By focusing on holistic wellness and nurturing our bodies, we can feel better, stronger, and more connected than ever before.

If you’re ready to embrace your midlife transformation, I encourage you to check out Elizabeth Sherman’s free guide with eight essential habits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And don’t miss the full episode of Getting Curious with Dr. Cristie for more insights and inspiration.