Today, I’m excited to share a new addition my practice that I know will be a huge benefit to so many:  Therapy Intensives.

I have gotten so many requests for therapy lately that I just can’t accommodate in my current schedule and format. Also, I’m seeing that traditional weekly sessions might not be the right fit for everyone.

I wanted to do something about this. In addition to traditional weekly or bi-weekly sessions, I am now offering Therapy Intensives. Intensives are planned extended sessions (3 to 4 hours) using a variety of trauma informed interventions, like EMDR, yoga therapy, mindful exercises and journaling to help accelerate your therapy goals.

These sessions happen in my office in New Jersey so if you’ve wanted to work with me but don’t live close, you can come to beautiful Red Bank for a short day or two and take advantage of some true self-care, Me Time for yourself.

So What Are Therapy Intensives?

Intensive Therapy includes highly curated treatment plans that will give you faster access to treatment and will support your preferred timeline and schedule.

Intensives allow you to progress through concerns in a more focused way without the interruption of a 50-minute session.

The intensive format may decrease overall treatment time because we won’t need to spend your time on:

  • checking in at the beginning of each session
  • addressing only day to day concerns as they come up
  • focusing on regulating at the end of each session, or practicing certain coping skills that you may not even need after fully healing

Intensive forms of therapies are highly supportive in clinical research, which has shown them to be more cost effective and time efficient than traditional weekly/biweekly therapy.

For example, a traditional approach may be:

  • 10-15 minutes of checking in from the last session
  • 20-30 minutes of processing
  • 10-15 minutes of closing the session

Intensive therapy typically includes:

  • 10-15 minutes of checking in, establishing session focus
  • 160-210 minutes of processing and skill building
  • 10-15 minutes closing the session

Plus each session includes an in-depth intake and follow-up as well.

Because life is complex, multiple stressors can come up across the week (or two) between therapy sessions, making continuity challenging and possibly leaving you frustrated with all the things you’re still struggling with despite months of therapy and diving into outside self-help resources.

2-3 hours of trauma-informed processing is equivalent to at least double the amount of talk therapy sessions so you’re doing more work in less time. That means taking less time off of work, or away from home, and more time feeling better.

Fees are based on your needs and program design, and are communicated ahead of time.

You can learn more about these therapy intensives at this link.

And, if you know someone else for whom this service will be a benefit, please share this blog post with them.

~ Cristie XO