Today we’re talking about how clutter and mental health are interconnected and offer a few tips for a clearer mind and space.

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.”

~ Barbara Hemphill

Do you ever find yourself scrolling the socials and feel a post like a slap in the face? Yeah, that happened to me with the above quote on a cute pinterest-y image. Annoying.:)

Seriously, it was only annoying because it resonated and I didn’t want it to. I hate clutter, but I am fully susceptible to it when life gets overwhelming. The vicious cycle is that I get overwhelmed, my life (and brain) get cluttered due to ignoring or postponing decisions, and then I get even more overwhelmed (and guilt ridden) by the clutter around me and inside me. See? Annoying.

Addressing some serious clutter issues:

Last year I addressed some new habits that I came to out of necessity due to some serious clutter issues (physical and mental) after 2 years of pandemic living. (There are some good tips for how you can clean out mental clutter.) Even with the new habits in place, I still got a bit behind on some closets and that was plaguing me a bit.

I often relate therapy to cleaning out a closet. The process is daunting and even intimidating before you start. Then, it can be super uncomfortable during when it seems you’re surrounded by mess that has no end. But then, when the stuff is bagged up and organized, it feels like a huge relief and you have more space to breathe.

Those first two steps though, they make it easy to put off cleaning out the closet, both figuratively and literally.

Clutter and self-care:

Come to think of it, I can extend this closet metaphor to self-care. I don’t mean bubble baths and manicures. I mean the real kind of self-care that keeps you healthy and whole. Cleaning out physical and mental clutter is self-care, just like daily movement and moderating sugar in your diet.

All forms of self care can feel daunting and uncomfortable. Especially when you spend a good bit of time tending to others. But you are worth that effort. You are worth whatever it takes to get to the huge relief at the end.

Listen to Moira Rose (any Schitt’s Creek fans out there?) and this year, focus on you. Clean out your clutter and get back to the relief that comes from becoming wholly you.

If you need help with your clutter and mental health:

If you need help with this, let’s chat. I’ve got groups and coaching and even a few therapy spots if you’re an NJ local. I’d love to help you take care of you.