Hey everyone! I’m excited about today’s topic because it hits very close to home for me. I spent a few years as a holistic health coach before getting into the mental health realm, and being a mom myself, the subject is not only near and dear to my heart but also a part of my everyday life.
Today, we are looking into holistic and organic parenting. In my personal experience and professional background, I have seen many opinions on what is right, safe, or even dangerous for our children. So, join me as I navigate the battle of kids and food and share my take on what it truly means to parent organically.
Navigating Parenthood with Postpartum Depression
When I had my first child, I experienced moderate to severe postpartum depression, which went undiagnosed. Despite the struggles, I felt immense pressure to be the perfect mom, researching everything from feeding to diapering. I leaned towards a holistic, natural approach, influenced by my surroundings and family background. Over time, I questioned vaccination schedules but adhered to them with adjustments. My motherhood journey began with high ideals and a belief that following certain practices defined a good mom.
Early Years: Embracing a Holistic Lifestyle
Living in a progressive community with organic options, I adopted a holistic approach. Making my own baby food became a necessity due to financial constraints. I got inspired by a neighbor who embodied an earthy, organic lifestyle. Moving to New Jersey challenged my holistic choices, leading me to explore making granola bars and baking bread. My focus was on nurturing healthy bodies.
Shifting Perspectives on Parenting Approaches
As my children grew, my perspective on parenting evolved. Balancing their varied preferences and navigating picky eating stages became challenging. My initial attempts to control their diets stemmed from my concerns about health and disease prevention. However, I had to confront my motivations and recognize the importance of supporting their autonomy.
Re-evaluating Goals and Relationship Dynamics
I had to question what being a good mom meant and why it mattered. My primary goal was fostering autonomous, well-adjusted adults. I aimed for a relationship where support coexisted with the confidence that my children could make decisions. As their preferences for certain foods diverged from my ideals, I had to reassess whether I was imposing my values or genuinely promoting their well-being.
Challenges in Letting Go and Fostering Independence
Acknowledging my food-related struggles, I had to prevent projecting my baggage onto my children. Recognizing that controlling their every decision was neither feasible nor beneficial, I aimed to provide guidance without stifling their autonomy and become more flexible and supportive. That created a healthier parent-child dynamic.
Understanding Resistance in My Children’s Eating Habits
As a parent, I learned to approach challenges with curiosity rather than judgment. When my children exhibited changes in their eating habits, instead of jumping to conclusions, I had to be curious and ask questions to avoid making assumptions and better understand their perspectives.
Curiosity about My Children and Myself
Being curious forced me to delve into my children’s experiences by asking questions about their preferences, feelings, and potential discomfort. I engaged in self-reflection, exploring my reactions and motivations, and realized that my fear of not being able to feed my children correctly was rooted in a desire for control. This curiosity piece encouraged me to understand both sides, the child’s perspective and my fears.
Dealing with Different Dietary Needs
Raising children with diverse dietary needs, including taste and texture issues, generalized anxiety, and health concerns, taught me the importance of avoiding assumptions when it comes to kids and food. Assuming preferences or needs can lead to misguided choices. I learned that each child is unique, and trial and error is crucial in understanding what works best for them. Instead of imposing assumptions, I engaged in open conversations, actively listening to my children’s needs to address their dietary challenges effectively. This drastically reduces battles in your home between kids and food.
Consistency and Persistence with Kids and Food in My Parenting Journey
The final step in explicit parenting is being consistent and persistent. That became a cornerstone in my journey. It involved knowing myself, setting goals for my children’s well-being, and understanding the most crucial factors for their development. I implemented consistency by ensuring balanced dinners with vegetables, proteins, and occasional starch. Family dinners became a pivotal practice for communication and understanding as my children grew older.
Finding Alignment in Parenting
Finding alignment in parenting involved knowing myself, understanding my relationship with my children, and embracing curiosity over judgment when it comes to these “kids and food” battles. This alignment provides a strong foundation for consistent and persistent parenting. When these elements are in harmony, challenges are no longer solely personal. Instead, they become opportunities for growth and adaptation.
Rejecting External Judgments and Embracing Individual Trajectories with Your Kids and Food
The parenting journey is unique for each family. External opinions, societal standards, and judgments often add stress to the already demanding role of being a parent. I remember feeling overwhelmed by expectations. Whether it was the pressure to buy organic or follow the latest parenting trend, I had to learn to reject external judgments and embrace my trajectory.
Acknowledging and Navigating Stress
Looking back on my parenting journey with a smile does not negate the stress I felt at the moment. I want to emphasize that acknowledging and navigating stress is part of the process. It is all about self-reflection, adaptation, and embracing authenticity when facing external pressures.
Being Authentic and Finding Joy in Parenting
I encourage parents to trust their instincts, stay authentic, and find joy in the unique adventure of raising their children.
Me Time
For today’s Me Time segment, I have a fantastic Netflix recommendation for you! Although it is a bit of a departure from my usual talk about books, music, or serious topics, this one is just fun. It’s a show called Glamorous. Surprisingly, it did not get much attention when it first came out. Nevertheless, Glamorous is a gem worth discovering. Headlined by Kim Cattrall, the show revolves around her character, a former model turned makeup maven, and the journey of the employees at the makeup company, each finding their voice.
The series, with its well-crafted characters, offers depth and unpredictability that is a step up from your typical Hallmark movie. If you are into style and makeup, it’s a visually stunning watch. Plus, it features Miss Benny, a trans-actor, portraying a non-binary or femme-appearing man named Marco, who explores their voice in the industry and their personal life. Season One premiered around May or June, and despite its low hype, it is still hanging in there. I urge you to check it out on Netflix, contribute to the viewership, and hopefully secure a Season Two.
So, until next time. Remember to take some time for yourself!
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